
Welcome to Troop 356

Boy Scout Troop 356 of the Simon Kenton Council, located in Dublin Ohio, and is chartered to Dublin Baptist Church.  The troop was formed in 1999 when a scout wanted to involve his friends from church in scouting.  The troop started with 7 boys and 4 adults.  It has grown to 40+ boys,  20+ leaders including committee members, and has produced 28 Eagle Scouts.  The troop is boy led and is based on Proverbs 3:5-6, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Laws.   We meet most Monday’s (check the calendar) from 6:30-8:30p and we normally have one outing every month.  Feel free to check out our site,  if you’d like to visit us stop by or email us at contact_us@boyscouttroop356.com